Magic 2.0 Wiki

Time Travelers[]


Magnus Rex[]

From Norway. Participated in the fight against Merlin. Magnus Rex won the election for chairperson by freezing everyone who didn't agree to vote for Magnus.

Magnus Galka (aka: The Younger Magnus, Magnus Two)[]

From Norway. Participated in the fight against Merlin. During the fight with Merlin, Magnus damaged Phillips Gorf machine by trying to steal the quarters. Out of revenge for the Gorf machine, Phillip tasked Magnus with conducting a census of their community. In several elections the Magnuses ran against Phillip for chairperson. There were usually only 2 votes for Magnus. For the longest time, they never specified which Magnus was running in the election.


From Russia. Participated in the fight against Merlin


Participated in the fight against Merlin. One of the few wizards with a smart phone or "pocket computer". He helped Gwen and Jeff teleport all the wizards to Phillips shop during the Battle of the Orcs.


From Italy Participated in the fight against Merlin. When Magnus unleashed the 10 plagues of Magnus onto london, everyone was infested with head lice which lead to Gary and Sergio swapping hats for some reason.


Sid and Gilbert[]

Magicians from the late 1800s who have history with Martin's future. They perform actual magic tricks without using real magic via the repository file. They go into the future and steal tricks from famous magicians. They play a larger role in book 6.



Former President of Atlantis


Current President of Atlantis and primary physician. Louiza plays a large role in Fight And Flight, book 4 in the series.

Non Magical Characters[]

Medieval Europe[]


The bartender at the Inn The Rotten Stump. Pete attempted to use Martin's "see through cloth" (cling film) as a pot lid and it melted. He also made a vest out of the "see through cloth"


Previously known as "Big Gert" and "The Thing". A patron of The Rotten Stump who gets free food and drink for life by demonstrating her ability to break things.


Resident of Rickard's Bend who was turned into a hobbit by Jimmy.

Bishop Galbraith[]

The Bishop of Leadchurch and a very good friend of Phillip's.



One of the servants of Atlantis whose goal was to become Gwen's personal sex slave. After learning that Martin and Gwen at a thing, he started behaving like Martin. He did a bad job of it.


Nik is Brit the youngers house servant. Phillip is very fond of him. Nik is also gay.

Modern Time[]

Walter and Margerita Banks[]

Martin's Parents who live in Seattle WA. They have at least two more older children. Margerita is Mexican and has family south of the border.
